Supporting Children Through Lockdown and Beyond

Thursday 11 February (8pm-9pm GMT)

£8 per person

Are you struggling to balance lots of plates at once, such as working from home and supporting your children’s school work? Are there big emotions in your household at the moment that are tricky to handle? Are you feeling isolated and worrying about your child getting enough social interaction and movement?

Whilst we can’t put an end to this pandemic, Bean Learning wants to support as many families as possible during this difficult time by offering practical tips and advice for supporting your family at home.

During this one-hour presentation, we’ll look at:

  • Supporting big emotions

  • Connection

  • Managing ‘screen time’

  • Supporting learning

  • Practical tips for creating a ‘rhythm’ that works for your family

  • Meeting your own needs

Jo Wood is a parent and home educator. She currently works in adult education having previously worked as a secondary teacher in mainstream schools. Her children are aged 27, 22 and 9 years old which gives her a wide perspective on all stages of parenting. Jo has done extensive research and training into child development and neuroscience, with a focus on understanding the behaviour and communication of 0 - 4 year olds.

Sarah Ridgeon has worked for over 12 years as a primary school teacher and then as a director and mentor in alternative education settings and has an MSc in the Psychology of Education (BPS). She has been shielding at home since March during which time she has supported a 5-year old and an 11-year old in her support bubble. She supports the young people she works with to resolve conflict using needs-based communication and has recently completed research into the moral development of children in an unconditional, non-hierarchical education setting.

Session delivered on Zoom

If our prices are an obstacle for you at the moment please contact us to discuss options.