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Inspiration Station - All About Castles!

Monday 14 December (10.30am-11.30am GMT)


Sometimes all it takes to get a child’s imagination going is a spark, sometimes it takes a little bit more!

Our Inspiration Station sessions start off with the spark and develop in the direction of the children’s interests. As we co-create a unique learning experience we bring our subject alive through discussion, fact-sharing, research, crafts and more. Children then leave the session full of ideas and enthusiasm for things they'd like to go on and do, either independently or with others.

This session is all about castles! From Camelot to Tintagel, moats to turrets, jousting to feasting. Join us to delve into the world of castles - real and fictional - through fact-sharing, discussion, creativity and creation.

Our sessions are child-led, so each one is a learning journey we take together. Depending on the interests of the children we may explore:

  • History

  • Design and technology

  • Literacy and language

  • The Arts

  • Architecture

  • People and places

  • Fantasy and mythology

Send your child on an adventure of laughter and learning with two Home Education Experts: Sarah Ridgeon (a Primary School Teacher) and Jay Byrd (a Childminder and Home Educator).

Ideal for ages 8-12

Places limited to 8 children

Session delivered on Zoom

If our prices are an obstacle for you at the moment please contact us to discuss options.