Thursday 9th September (10am - 11am BST)
FREE! - Special Introductory Session
An interactive story and creative writing session where children can share, listen, discuss, play, create and write in a supportive group!
During the session, Jinny will loosely structure the activities and games around different aspects of story telling and creative writing. As with all our sessions, however, it will be learner-led and so the children are open to explore and discuss stories and topics following their own interests and needs.
**Theme for this session: Story Soup! Bring stories you love to explore and discuss together!**
Areas that the session may explore and cover:
Discussing stories
Characters, settings and plot development
Group story building games
Speaking and listening
Creative writing
Story analysis and critique
Explore the craft of story writing with experienced educator, ESL teacher and published author, Jinny Alexander!
Ideal for ages 5 - 8 years
Places limited to 6 children